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EEWS PLTP Lahendong Geothermal Energy


PT. Energi Sejahtera Agung bekerjasama dengan gempa GmbH dan GFZ-Potsdam(Pusat Riset Nasional Ilmu Kebumian di Jerman) dibantu oleh B2TKE-BPPT untuk memasang 10 sensor seismic early warning system (peringatan dini gempabumi) di 10 titik sekitar PLTP Lahendong. GFZ-Potsdam sendiri juga memiliki hubungan kerjasama dengan B2TKE-BPPT dalam membangun PLTP Binary Cycle 500 kW di Area Cluster PGE Lahendong Sulawesi Utara.

One sensor after the installation near the power plant.
One sensor after the installation near the power plant.

Observatorium di UNSYIAH Aceh

The University Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) in Banda Aceh start to set up an observatory. We support with hardware for seismic sensonr and earthquake monitoring software SeisComP.

Test of the electical panel for the sensor power.
Test of the electical panel for the sensor power.
Training on seiscomp.
Training on seiscomp.

Merapi Project in cooperation with gempa gmbh

Installation of 5 seismic and infrasound sensors at the Mount Merapi.

Training about Dokuwiki at BMKG

Training about the Software Dokuwiki, which is widely used at BMKG for Dokumentation.

Support at BMKG with SeisComP software.

Mantainance Software for the tsunami Early Waring system.