EEWS - Earthquake Eearly Waring System

This project was an cooperation between gempa GmbHGFZ-Potsdam, B2TKE-BPPT and PT ESA.


We setup the sensor and the communication for the sensor to receive the data in real-time. The data was send to an server of the GFZ-Potsdam where is was procced and then the result will be send back to the test power plant.


Setup of 10 seismic sensor surrounding the test power plant in Lahendong.
Setup of 10 seismic sensor surrounding the test power plant in Lahendong.


Sensor installed inside on floor.
Sensor installed inside on floor.
Sensor installed on an pier.
Sensor installed on an pier.

Here we see the installation of 2 sensors. One we installed inside on the floor, the second one is installed outside on an pier we made for the sensor. The sensors we used here are Raspberryshake, 3 components sensors.

Power Plant

Power Plant from above
Power Plant from above
Panel of the power plant.
Panel of the power plant.

Here we see the power plant. In the electronic panel we will install the interface from our software result to an hardware contact at the PLC.

This means we convert the acceleration of an earthquake to an voltage which can be handled by the PLC.


YAGI antenna to improve signal strenght.
YAGI antenna to improve signal strenght.
Panel with modem, battery and cabling.
Panel with modem, battery and cabling.

To send the data to the proccesing server we use 4G signal and YAGI antenna to make sure that even on very remote points the signal is stable.

The webinterface of the software we use to analyze the data.
The webinterface of the software we use to analyze the data.